The New Walten Files Wiki

This is the list of the entire soundtrack from the Walten Files, consisting of various albums.

The Walten Files - Official Soundtrack[]

Walten files ost

Main album cover. Also the cover of "Lonely Trees" and "Hello, Sweetheart."

This is the official soundtrack as listed on The Walten Files - Official Soundtrack, the official channel for the series' soundtrack.

The Walten Files OST: Episode 3- Bunnyfarm[]


The album cover for The Walten Files OST: Episode 3- Bunnyfarm, songs "Sounds of Surprise (Orchestral)" through "Only Bad Thoughts Consume You."

This list consists of songs composed for Bunnyfarm by Jacob Woodson, uploaded by the account of the same name, Jacob Woodson Music. The playlist itself can be found here.


  • The original song of "Every Single Part of Her Body was Bleeding" is "Goodnight, My Beautiful" by Russ Morgan and His Orchestra. It may be close to "Libet's Delay" from The Caretaker's album An Empty Bliss Beyond This World.
  • Many of the songs from The Walten Files OST: Episode 3- Bunnyfarm. Some notable examples of this include "Sounds of Surprise (Orchestral)" and "Sounds of Surprise" and "Victory" translating to "SOS," "It Begins" translating to "CAR," and "Think Rabbit, Think" translating to "HELP."
  • "Item Get" incorporates BunnyFarm's main menu motif.

